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Where to buy Modalert Online

Do you want to know where to buy Modalert online? You have come to the right place. This article contains information on where to order Modalert online safely.

For those who don’t have much time, we have made it easy for you. You can buy Modalert by clicking the button and going to the pharmacy. You can purchase it with or without a prescription even from the USA and the UK.

For those who have time, let us learn about this medication in detail.

What is Modalert?

Modalert is a brand name for a nootropic or a CNS stimulant drug called Modafinil. Modafinil is also sold under another brand name Provigil. These are wakefulness-promoting drugs that can enhance performance. It is also known as a ‘Smart Drug’ as it makes you think better.

The brand name Modalert belongs to Sun Pharma Laboratories, USA.

How Modalert Works

It works by improving the effectiveness of some naturally occurring hormones in the body. There are some hormones (Neurotransmitters) that can wake a person up and improve performance- Norepinephrine (Adrenaline), Dopamine, ETC.

Modalert does not increase the levels of those hormones. Rather it works with the receptors to make them more sensitive to the neurotransmitters. As a result, even a sleepy and lazy person feels fresh, enhanced, and focused.

While it makes the exciting hormones more effective, Modalert also has a second function. It metabolizes Melatonin, a hormone that causes us to fall asleep. That is why Modalert is used as a wakefulness promoter.

Modalert Chemical Composition
Modalert Chemical Composition

The Use of Modalert

There are plenty of conditions in that Modalert can be helpful. It was first introduced as a treatment for Narcolepsy. It is a condition where the patient may fall asleep during the daytime.

It may not sound serious, but a severe attack while driving or operating complicated machinery can be life-threatening. Later on, since it can keep you awake, it also became popular among night shift workers.

Long-distance truck drivers benefit from having a dose of Modalert 200mg. Military personnel such as long-range airforce pilots used it during critical missions. Students may also use it before a major exam.

As a performance enhancer, it was also very popular among athletes. However, new drug testing reveals it and Modalert is banned from professional sports events.

ADHD patients also benefit from Modalert 200mg. It is known to give focus at work and can replace Adderall, which is quite addictive.

Available Dosages and Forms

Modalert comes in two dosages in tablet forms- 100mg, and 200mg. 100mg is generally used by children, and 200mg is prescribed for average adults.

Take only one tablet in the morning as a performance enhancer. You can also take it in the evening if you are a night shift worker. Just remember that it won’t let you fall asleep so time the medication properly.

Doctors can also prescribe two to three Modalert 200mg tablets a day if someone is suffering from serious Narcolepsy- uncontrollable sleep.

Legal Issues

For a long time, Modafinil was an OTC medication. That is you could buy Modalert from regular pharmacies without prescriptions. Yet, it works like amphetamines (Adderall). That’s why FDA decided to make it a Schedule IV controlled substance while Adderall is Schedule II.

Therefore, you will need a prescription to buy Modalert. However, in many countries, Modafinil is still an OTC medication. So, you can buy Modalert online from an international pharmacy without prescriptions.

Why Buy Modalert Online

You buy Modalert online for the same reason you buy anything on the web. It’s cheap and it doesn’t require a prescription. Online pharmacies don’t usually have physical stores and they acquire the medications from different countries where prices of Modalert are lower.

Additionally, when you order Modalert online, they deliver the medications to your doorstep. It’s a lot less worrisome.

Where to Buy Modalert Online- USA & UK

We have provided a link to one of the best online pharmacies in the world above. That’s where to buy Modalert online safely. The price of Modalert online is $3.10, which is reasonable. Also, we made sure that their products are of the highest quality.

They also have a discreet packaging system to avoid Customs detection so you can be sure that the medications will arrive safely even when you order Modalert from the USA or the UK.

Modalert Side Effects

All medications have some side effects and you’ll be glad to know that Modalert has the least possible. In the beginning, while your body is adjusting to the new medication, you may experience the following:

  • Headache: Not common, but it may happen
  • Sleeplessness: The obvious effect of a performance enhancer
  • Sweating: You are a little upbeat so it’s not uncommon.
  • Dry Mouth: Some thirst as you perform at a high rate. It may feel like you are at the gym.
  • Weight Loss: Another common side effect of a performance enhancer. You are active and not hungry so you may lose some weight.
  • Constipation: Common to most performance enhancers and stimulants.

Modalert as a Weight Loss Pill

I know what you are thinking. If the side effect is loss of weight, can we not just use it as a weight loss pill? And the answer will be ‘Yes’. However, it is not recommended. One of the other possible side effects is constipation.

Surely, you don’t want that quality in a weight loss pill. There is Phentermine for that and you can also buy Phentermine online easily. Phentermine is also a stimulant with the assurance that you have regular bowel movements.

So for weight loss, Phentermine 37.5mg is the best. Modalert should be kept as a performance enhancement drug only.

Related: Phentermine Where to Buy USA & UK

Modalert Addiction Issues

Modalert, Modafinil, or Provigil is not as addictive as Adderall. That’s why is a Schedule IV substance. Yet, it doesn’t hurt to be careful. It is a good idea not to use it on a regular basis.

If you know that you have a long day of work ahead, take one Modalert 200mg beforehand. If it’s a weekend and you are free, there is no need.

Additionally, do not use it as a party drug. A lot of people get addicted for this reason. Since it is a performance enhancer, you can party all night, and people like the feeling of it with alcohol.

You can avoid addiction if you use it responsibly even when you are taking Modalert without a prescription.


Following are some things you should be aware of if you have decided to order Modalert online:

  • It doesn’t hurt to get a doctor’s opinion on whether you should be using Modalert 200mg.
  • Let your doctor know if you have a history of substance abuse.
  • Let your doctor know if you have any kind of allergies.
  • Modafinil passes through breast milk so nursing mothers should be extremely careful.
  • Make sure you double-check the pharmacy before you order Modalert online. There are lots of fakes out there.

The Takeaways

You can buy Modalert online and have it delivered to your home but simply be aware of a few things. At first, it is a good idea to check with a doctor to know if Modalert is safe for you.

Secondly, verify the online pharmacy you are buying from. You may use the ‘Pharmacy Button’ we provided above to get to a reliable source for your Modalert.